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Saltstack install and config

Install the salt package

pkg install -y py36-salt

Copy the sample files to create the master and/or minion configuration files

cp -v /usr/local/etc/salt/master{.sample,""}
cp -v /usr/local/etc/salt/minion{.sample,""}

Set the master/minion services to start on boot

sysrc salt_master_enable="YES"
sysrc salt_minion_enable="YES"

Salt expects state files to exist in the /srv/salt or /etc/salt directories which don't exist by default on FreeBSD so make symlinks instead:

ln -s /usr/local/etc/salt /etc/salt
ln -s /usr/local/etc/salt /srv/salt

Start the services

service salt_master onestart
service salt_minion onestart

Accept minion keys sent to the master

salt-key -A
# Press y to accept

Create a test state file

vi /usr/local/etc/salt/states/examples.sls

    - pkgs:
      - vim-lite

Then apply the examples state

salt '*' state.apply examples

Salt Formulas

Install the GitFS backend, this allows you to serve files from git repos.

pkg install -y git py36-gitpython

Edit the /usr/local/etc/salt/master configuration file:

  - git
  - roots

Restart the master. If master and minion are the same node, restart the minion service as well.

service salt_master onerestart

The formulas can then be used in the state file

  - lynis

Salt equivalent to R10K and using git as a pillar source

If the git server is also a minion, you can use Reactor to signal to the master to update the fileserver on each git push:

You can also use git as a pillar source (host your specific config data in version control)

Installing RAET

RAET support isn't enabled in the default package. If you install py27-salt and run pkg info py27-salt you can see in the options RAET: off. In order to use RAET, you need to build the py27-salt port.

Compile the port

pkg remove -y py27-salt
portsnap fetch extract
cd /usr/ports/sysutil/py-salt
make config
# Press space to select RAET
make install

Edit /srv/salt/master and /srv/salt/minion and add

transport: raet

Then restart the services

service salt_master restart
service salt_minion restart

You will need to accept keys again

salt-key -A

Salt equivalent of hiera-eyaml


Similar to hiera-eyaml, it is used for encrypting data stored in pillar: